She made me a first time mommy.
She is an old soul.
She is a walking and talking example of the love Ian and I share.
She grounds me.
She reminds me to take joy in the little things.
She is an amazing big sister.
She is me.
She is compassionate.
She is not your average girl...she exceeds all expectations.
She has her own mind.
She has an astounding memory and sense of her daddy.
She is athletic.
She is the spitting image of my little sis Cat.
She makes my heart a flutter.
She cracks me up!
She is the kind of kid that makes you want to have a kid.

Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes and gifts.
She is loved by many.
She is loved by many.
5 Ramble On:
I love all the dinos lined up!
Love the cake, good job!
4 already!
Happy Birthday Ava!!! Don't they grow up way to fast!
NOOOO! She can't be! You are making me tear up!
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