Monday, June 29, 2009

Beat The Time

2-3 times a year we make the 6hr trip "home" to visit with our family. I pass the time by playing my Ipod while singing and seat dancing (I'm quite skilled) all the way there. The girls both brought books and dollies to play with but after the first couple hours I turn around to find the girls jamming out.

Toe jamming...that is.

My cue to bring out the DVD player.

In other news....Ava saw her first rainbow!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

They Way You Make Me Feel

To say that Ruby has a mild obsession with our cat Murray (aka Momo...some days MoFo) would be a gross understatement. She is what I would consider a bit of a stalker. She is on a needs-to-know-exactly where her love is at all times.

Every morning she goes gaga at the very sight of him and must do her daily introductions.

Ruby to me: Mama!(points to Murray) Momo!
Me: Yes, I see him. Hi Momo.
Ruby to Murray: Momo!(points to me) Mama!
Murray: Meow meow meow

Every cat, black or otherwise,is called Momo. She carries around a picture of Momo and even carts him around in her baby stroller.

Don't get me wrong, Murray loves the attention as he is a ladies man, er cat man? But some days the tail pulling, the body using for one's personal pillow, and the scrap food stealing can be just too much for this itty bitty kitty.

Okay, there's nothing itty bitty about this kitty but he's finally found a way to stay incognito and keep his stalker away for at least a few hours and catch up on some much needed zzzz's.

"Uh oh, she's looking this way...blend in, don't breath, I am invisible..blend in, don't breath, I am invisible"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Take Me To The River

A year ago, you couldn't get Ava into a pool without a lot of resistance and then once you got her in, you couldn't pry her off the stairs. I heard of an amazing swim school from a fellow mom (thanks Dawn!) and was astounded with how fast her son progressed. I did some additional research and Foss Swim School kept coming up as the place to take my apprehensive swimmer.

Two weeks ago, she finished her 11 week session and she did amazing! She ended the class with the ability to hold her breath underwater for 13 apples (seconds). That's quite a feat...stop and try holding your breath for 13 seconds right now............she's pretty amazing, right? Not only did we come out of this session with a better swimmer but a girl with a lot more confidence...priceless.

Look at her go!

**** warning**** you might want to turn down the volume(second video) as my cackling might cause permanent ear the least.. nightmares.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

How Sweet It Is To Be Loved You

Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad. ~Author Unknown

1. Daddy can scratch two backs at the same time.

2. He likes playing Webkinz as much as Ava.

3. He has unbelievable balance even after spinning the girls around one hundred and one times.

4. He's the go- to- guy when someone gets a boo boo.

5. He comes home with the best "toys". Black light lamp and large red siren to name a few.

6. He gives the best horsey rides.

7. He's OUR soft place to land.

8. When Ava draws our family, she often draws herself with a beard.

9. We picked Ava up from Sunday class and she had two slips of paper in her hand. One read " I love my mommy because she makes good food." (I know, I was shocked too!) The other read "I love my daddy because he's my favorite."
Not a shocker there....he's everybody's favorite. And rightly so.

10. He makes raising kids look oh so easy.

Thanks for making every day Father's Day!

We love you!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Let It Grow

About a month or so ago, Ian came home from work and declared that we would be taking our recent virtual MyFarm addiction into a real life application. In the continuing efforts of going "green", Ian's company decided to start a company farm and dole out some unused land to those employees interested.
Yes! I could finally show everyone all those wasted hours and accumulated millions were not in vain.

Here's our plot of land. We haven't named it yet as all my suggestions have been shot down.

A few days earlier upon visiting the farm, Ian worked hard and did all the grunt work and planted watermelons, pumpkins, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Our job this day was to do a massive weed pulling sweep.

The girls did fantastic...I, on the other hand, starting pulling the all "big" weeds I had spotted. I quickly ripped them out and beamed with pride when I showed the fam just how skilled I was at this farming business...turned out I had pulled out all the tomatoes! *insert bruised ego here*

Ava watering the tomatoes/ "big" weeds after Ian replanted them.

Hanging out with "Dada" as Ruby affectionately called him. Tall and skinny...close enough.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Head To Toe

What's the perfect accessory for that adorable polka dotted swimsuit?

Polka dotted feet to complete the ensemble , of course!

Courtesy of those infamous, so ugly they're cute, Crocs.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ch-Check It Out

I have baby birds! Er, I mean WE have baby birds!

Awww, don't you just love fuzzy newborn hair?

It took a lot of inner strength and a little physical strength from hubby for me not to snatch these little babies and love on them. Can we say, "Baby fever?" tick tock tick tock.

But with Mama Bird up in the tree above growling at us and fluttering about getting prepared to peck us if we touched her babes...I stood from afar. I like my eyes, thank you very much.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I Won't Back Down

"Whatcha lookin' at?"


Friday, June 12, 2009

In My Room

Hallelujah! I finally got those darn bunk beds painted...I still have the paint war wounds to prove it. It only took ten months of procrastination to paint these. What's my motivation secret, you ask? Selling Ava's twin bed.....and a myfarm/facebook intervention....

Prints on wall purchased from etsy:

Studio Mela

Belle and Boo

Jessica Gonacha

The Black Apple

Chandelier from Elephannie

Peg dolls from Naked Peggies

Thursday, June 11, 2009

It Wasn't Me

"Who made THIS big mess!"
I shout while trying hard to stifle the laughter wanting to erupt.

Such a classic Ruby move.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


She made me a first time mommy.
She is an old soul.
She is a walking and talking example of the love Ian and I share.
She grounds me.
She reminds me to take joy in the little things.
She is an amazing big sister.
She is me.
She is compassionate.
She is not your average girl...she exceeds all expectations.
She has her own mind.
She has an astounding memory and sense of her daddy.
She is athletic.
She is the spitting image of my little sis Cat.
She makes my heart a flutter.
She cracks me up!
She is the kind of kid that makes you want to have a kid.

She turned 4 this past Sunday!

Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes and gifts.

She is loved by many.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Let's Dance

A few years ago my mom bought Ava a ton of dress up clothes but she had never been interested in them. She also has never been fond of the whole princess thing and would rather dress up in her old animal Halloween costumes. Fine by me but the other day she went through her box of dress of clothes and discovered a ballerina dance suit and quickly put it on and began dancing around. Here she is getting in touch with her girly girly side.

Well that didn't last long....the next day while at Target she spotted the most beautiful thing she had ever laid her eyes upon and she just had to get it:

*gulp* A face only a mother could love.


Now that is some fancy foot work!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Learning To Fly

One of my favorite things about spring is getting my flowered hanging baskets up. Aren't they pretty?

After a few days I noticed two sparrows repeatedly flying in and out of the middle basket. Then one day when Ian took it down to water it he found this:

Adorable! I love having them nest right outside our window, I get to peek in at them throughout the day. The mom has since laid an additional two more eggs, so now there will be four baby birds..I can't wait!

Did you get a close look at that nest? They made it out twigs and cigarette filters! Smart birds...way to recycle and reuse.