Monday, April 14, 2008

She Said She Said

One of the reasons I finally started blogging was to document some of the things that Ava has said. The things she has said have been funny, overdramatic, and even profound at times. Here are a few:

1) One night we had gone out to dinner with our friends and their little boy. She was sitting in her chair and lost her balance but caught herself from falling. She exclaimed " Mom, I almost died!"

2) Ava: "Mom, I'm having a real rough time."
Me: "Honey, why are you having such a rough time?"
Ava: "Mom, I am trying to read my book but I only know SOME of the words and not ALL of the words. Can you show me how to read?"

This wasn't the first time that she has asked me to help her learn how to read. I've been apprehensive starting so early and had discussed this furthur with the parent educator at the school that Ava attends. She suggested that I hold off to see if it was something that Ava really wanted to pursue. Well she keeps pestering me about it, so I ordered a reading curriculum and we will start it this summer.

3) "I have one more idea." - This usually entails the use of either a chair, scotch tape, a pair of scissors, and/or the cat.

4) "Mom, don't see me!"- She will yell this if I am in another room and she doesn't want me to catch her doing something that is not allowed. Nothing like setting yourself up for the fall.

5)"Mom, thank you for coming into my life." - No honey, THANK YOU for coming into MY life.

0 Ramble On: