Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Once In A Lifetime

What's the last thing you expect to find in the coldest of all winters?

What is that fuzzy blob on that there newspaper, you ask?

A caterpillar!

While we at Ian's parents house over the Christmas break, Papa surprised Ava with a caterpillar that he found in the basement. Ava named him Fuzzy Wuzzy and liked taking him on walks and rubbing his tummy.

" Wow Mom, Fuzzy Wuzzy sure has lots of teats, where are his babies?"

"Those are feet not teats."

"I bet he can run fast!"

As a child I loved playing with caterpillars and it was fun to see Ava enjoying that same love.

Unfortunately, Fuzzy Wuzzy died a week later due to an accidental drowning caused by the poor dexterity of an over enthusiastic 3 year old.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Body Movin'

Not to be outdone by her big sis, my littlest adventurous spirit kept herself busy trying out all the fun things at the indoor gym too.

Friday, January 23, 2009


One of the things I love about living in Minnesota is the plethora of kid-friendly activities available. When the weather is breezy -22 degrees(-40 with windchill)...what's a mother to do?

Make use of our season pass and head on over to Edinborough Park and partake in it's wondrous indoor playground.

Last week we joined our good friends Sammy, Sophia, and Stacey for some nap inducing fun.

Now that the kids are older and a lot more adventurous they are able to play in the structure by themselves which in turn saves me from emptying my pockets at the chiropractor afterwards.

Here's a short video of some of the fun we had:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One Moment In Time

Monday, January 19, 2009

At Last

So..I've been hiding over on Facebook hoping that my blog would write itself but, alas, that has not happened so here is a quick recap on our holiday festivities.

Holiday visiting will result in:

Lots of smiling

Santa loving

tree touch sneaking

deer spotting


uncle hugging

Nana bonding

good cheering

cosmic bowling

car ride home crying

angry cat scratching.

We had a wonderful time and thank everyone for taking time out in their day to spend it with us.

We love you all and can't wait to do it all again next year!